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View order shipments

The View Shipment page displays detailed information about a specific shipment. This page is accessed by clicking on the "View" button in the Order Shipments table.

General Information

The top portion of the page displays general information about the shipment, including:

  • Shipment ID: This is the unique identification number assigned to the shipment.

  • Shipment Company: This indicates whether the shipment was handled internally or by a third-party company like Aramex.

  • Count Orders: This displays the number of orders that were included in the shipment.

  • Creation Date: This is the date on which the shipment was created.

  • Tracking Number: If the shipment was handled by a third-party company, this displays the tracking number associated with the shipment.

  • Delivery Status: This indicates the current status of the shipment, such as "In Transit" or "Delivered".

  • Notes: This allows you to add any additional notes or comments about the shipment.

Order Details

The lower portion of the page displays details about the individual orders included in the shipment. Each order is displayed in a separate row and includes the following information:

  • Order ID: This is the unique identification number assigned to the order.

  • Customer Name: This displays the name of the customer who placed the order.

  • Order Date: This is the date on which the order was placed.

  • Product: This displays the name of the productordered.

  • Quantity: This displays the quantity of the product that was ordered.

  • Price: This displays the price per unit of the product.

  • Total: This displays the total cost of the order.